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OPA HOSTIL lyrics : "Autómata"

AUTOMATON (automata)
Since we are small they are crushing us
With what are you want to be

Irrational pedagogy for automatons
Preparing our mind as it was a machine

Not to evolve, but to compete

In their educative system we were

handled as irrational people
To go on keeping their capitalist future
They embed us the consumerism anxiety

And that conditionate us

They made us believe that life

Was a daily competition
And when we grow up
Our unconscionable luxuries will make us explode

Not to evolve, but to compete

We have to realise that it's not happier
The one who gets more but the one who needs less

- Letra español -


Desde pequeños hostigándonos
Con lo de hasta donde quieres llegar

Pedagogía irracional para autómatas
Preparando nuestra mente
Como si fuera una máquina

No para evolucionar, si no para competir

En su sistema educativo
Fuimos amaestrados como irracionales
Para seguir manteniendo su futuro capitalista

Nos inculcaron el ansia de consumir y ello nos condiciona

Nos hicieron creer que la vida

Es una competición cotidiana
Y en nuestra edad adulta
Nuestros lujos desmedidos nos harán estallar

No para evolucionar, si no para competir

Hemos de darnos cuenta, de que no es más feliz
el que más tiene, sino el que menos necesita.

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